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My Eastern Market Studio, these drawings are of the empty studio, when I first moved in a hollow shell it was nice. I remember riding my car into the center of the empty space and I had a large sketch pad and a tape measure and I walked around alone in there and just took measurements and lesson to music and sing songs, and create this larger than large art studio for hour at a time. This would be the best studio I've design to present, it was tri level and I could drive my work van right inside. The first month or so I had my bed, stereo, and kitchen area with 2 cheers and a home made table, while I worked on phase one. The drawings are before building and after, and these are pictures of the studio once I finished.
My Art Studio on Bellevue & Gratoit in Detroit 2008-09
My Sign shop on Whittier in Detroit 1998-1999
My Art Studio on Bellevue in Detroit 1996-97
My Art Studio on Rohn in Detroit 1985-88
College Dorm Room Studio Coahoma Jr. College 1984
My first art studio in my room when I started back drawing at Highland Park Community College 1981
Detroit Historic Eastern Market Loft Studio 1990-95